This is going to be the first in a series of articles on Tarot Card meanings. I thought it would be great to start with the Major Arcana since they are without a doubt the most interesting of the cards. It is my hope that after reading this series you'll have a deeper understanding of the meaning of these cards. There is a lot more to them than just what's on the surface.
In the upright position, the card itself signifies that we have not yet made that decision in our lives and thus it is time to do so. In the reverse position, there is a greater chance that the decision has already been made and in most likelihood, that decision was not the correct one.
This could also signify that you are concerned about the decision that you made. You need to listen to and follow your own heart instead of listening to what others tell you to do. You need to stop and look at how things are at this present time and honestly answer if you are happy with the way things have gone.
So often we get caught up in the day to day little things. We end up forgetting what is truly important in our lives. The Fool is a reminder to us that we sometimes need to take a step back and truly evaluate where our lives are going. When this card falls in the tenth position of a Celtic Cross spread, basically what it is saying to us is that the final outcome of our question is really up to us, that we are in control of our own destiny in this matter.
To YOUR Divination Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Wagenheim