One of the most difficult cards to understand in the Tarot deck is the Hierophant. One of the main reasons is that unlike most of the other cards, such as The Magician, The Emperor and The Fool, many people don't have the slightest idea what a hierophant even is, inside or outside of the Tarot.
This makes understanding this card and putting it into context a lot more challenging. Hopefully, this article will explain The Hierophant well enough so that you end up with a pretty decent understanding of what this card is all about.Since most people don't really know what the word itself means, let's dig into the dictionary and see what we come up with.
According to the dictionary, a hierophant comes from ancient Greece and is somebody who expounds of rites of worship and sacrifice. It is also an interpreter of mysteries and esoteric principals.It might come as a surprise to you, but the meaning of this card, as it applies to the Tarot, has very little to do with the dictionary meaning. Of course that is also true with cards like the Magician. However, now that you have some frame of reference, you'll be able to at least loosely relate the card to the real world definition.
In the Tarot, The Hierophant represents somebody who can be stubborn and exasperating. This person is constantly searching for truth without realizing that the truth he is seeking is inside of himself. He's just too stubborn to realize and accept this fact. This person is totally against any changes in his life. In addition to this, the card represents somebody who is very concerned with outward appearances and likes to impress others.
This person often belongs just for the sake of belonging.In reversed position, this card represents somebody who is original and not afraid to take chances. This person is a real adventurer and has a totally open mind. This card can also represent somebody who will be willing to listen to new ideas that the subject might have.
This card can indicate that the subject should speak his mind and have the courage of his convictions. In extreme readings, this card can signify that something new and refreshing is going to come into the person's life.The Hierophant is one of those cards where the reverse position is actually positive, which further reaffirms that not all cards, when in reverse, are negative.To YOUR Divination Success
Please visit my Squidoo Lens on the World Of The Occult located at where you can learn a little bit about me and pick up some tips on just about every form of divination that there is. Steven Wagenheim
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